Versatile and affordable university sport

Fall semester Calendars begin on Mon 2.9.2024. Pori campus gym is open troughout the summer.

Under the Services- heading you will find all CampusMoWe services.

CampusMoWe offers the most versatile sport and well-being services with an affordable semester fee for all students and staff members in SAMK, Diak, UCPori and Rauma Teacher Education!

What is CampusMoWe?

Diverse and affordable sports and wellbeing services for university students and staff members around Satakunta region (Pori, Rauma, Kankaanpää & Huittinen).

​​​​​​​You need to have a valid University (HAKA) autenthication to use our services.

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Registration and MoWe Card

A valid University (HAKA) ID is required to use CampusMoWe services. The HAKA login ensures your right to use the services.

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MoWe Card Prices

Purchase your MoWe Card in the online shop and get access to the gym, group fitness, ball games and online services. MoWe Card gives you access to all services.

You can choose between a tuition fee, a monthly card or a weekly card.

You can test group fitness, ball games or gym services anytime 24h for free of charge .

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Finnish baseball trials on September

The September Finnish baseball Trials on three consecutive Mondays:
9.9., 16.9. and 23.9.2024 at 16.30-17.30.

Place: Arava Field, Tavaratie 3, 28130 Pori.

The baseball shifts are open and free of charge, so no MoWe Card is required.

Enrol via the mobile app under the Events tab.

Welcome to play!

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Badminton basics (2 times)

Badminton basics course will take place on two Tuesdays 1.10. and 8.10.2024 at 16.30-18.00. Especially suitable for beginners. Equipment is provided by CampusMoWe.

The course will be held in the Agorasali of the SAMK Pori campus.
Instructor language: English

Price 15€/person. By redeeming the product in the online shop you register for the whole course. No MoWe Card is required.

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Gym start course (september-october)

Date: Wednesdays 18.9.-9.10.2024 (4 times) 17.00-18.00.

You do not need a MoWe Card to participate in the course, you can purchase the course itself.

Course fee 20€. Instructing language: Finnish and English.

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Two-week Free Trial 2.-15.9.2024

Welcome to test our services free of charge for the first two weeks! Buy a Trial Card online and test as many events as you like! You can also use the gym on the Pori campus.

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You can test our services free of charge for the first two weeks. You can find the Trial Card from the online shop.

The new season starts, welcome to join us!

The guided exercise season starts on Monday 2.9.2024 and the Calendars are now published! We have expanded our offer based on customer feedback.

We offer weekly group fitness classes, open sport games and gym services. You will also find our own gym at the Pori campus. In Rauma, you can purchase a Kuntosumppu card at a super low price.

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MoWe Calendar

MoWe Calendar keeps you updated with CampusMoWe services and events!
