Terms and conditions

Before you start using CampusMoWe services, please read the terms and conditions carefully.

​​​​​​​​​​​Terms and conditions will apply once you purchase CampusMoWe product or service from the online shop or take part in free activities such as those organised by well-being tutorials.

  1. All students and staff members of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, University Consortium of Pori, Faculty of Education, Department of Teacher Education Rauma and Diaconia University of Applied Sciences Pori are eliqible to use CampusMoWe services and products. To be able to access these services students and staff members needs to have valid -up to date University access code (HAKA-authentication).

  2. ​​​​Terms and conditions will apply once you purchase CampusMoWe product or service from the online shop or enrolls for free event. Accepting the terms and conditions, you give your permission to CampusMoWe to access your personal information. Read more about the terms and conditions concerning your personal information (link): Information security

  3. The right to purchase and use the services can be used as long as the university ID is in use and active.
  4. CampusMoWe members must follow the terms and conditions of our cooperation partners and businesses. Some services and products have higher risk areas, such as play zones, swimming pools, steam rooms and saunas. Please read and follow all rules and signs that tell you what to do, especially in these areas. If you don’t understand something, please ask for help.
    CampusMoWe users needs to follow
    the guidelines issued by the employees of the sports facilities that CampusMoWe works with and other persons involved in the organisation of the activities, as well as the rules of the sports facilities.

  5. CampusMoWe membership do not include insurance, so you will need to make sure your own personal insurance covers the activities and programs you are attending on.

  6. CampusMoWe membership is a personal license, which can not be passed forward. The user may not allow other persons to enter the sports facilities with him/her, nor may he/she hand over any means of access to the service/space to another person.

  7. We can refuse entry to anyone, including members, if they act unreasonably or break the terms and conditions. We may also warn you that you risk having your membership cancelled. If you continue to behave in the same way, we may cancel your membership immediately.

  8. If during the season it is found that a person has failed to attend five (5) of the enrolled class without cancelling his/her enrolment, he/she may be banned from enrolling. Thereafter, a registration ban will follow for each observed missed class until the end of the season. Uncancelled enrolments are reset at the end of the autumn and spring semesters.

  9. There is no right of exchange or refund for the purchased service. However, if the minimum number of participants for a course or training course is not met, the course may be cancelled by CampusMoWe and any course fees paid will be refunded.

  10. CampusMoWe reserves the right to change or add to these membership terms and conditions, timetables, facilities and hours of operation. We will do our best to inform customers of any changes on time.

If you have any questions about the terms of use, please contact our customer service team by email at: info@campusmowe.fi