
CampusMoWe offers diverse and affordable activities and wellbeing services for university students and staff members around Pori, Rauma, Kankaanpää and Huittinen!

What is CampusMoWe?

Diverse and affordable sports and wellbeing services for university students and staff members around Satakunta region (Pori, Rauma, Kankaanpää & Huittinen).

​​​​​​​You need to have a valid University (HAKA) autenthication to use our services.

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CampusMoWe workers

CampusMoWe email serves you in all general matters and also e.g. in technical problems.

You can also send a technical or customer feedback via mobileapplication.

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CampusMoWe instructors

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We are looking for new instructors to join our team!

We are looking for motivated and energetic instructors for the spring semester 2025 and courses. Come join our inspiring team and be part of our efforts to provide versatile sports services for students and staff.

We are looking for instructors in Rauma and Pori for group fitness and ball games shifts. We are also looking for course instructors.

​​​​​​​You can find more information and application instructions below.

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