Register in

By logging in with your HAKA-code, you will be registered as a CampusMoWe user. As a registered user you will receive CampusMoWe newsletters and you can make bookings for free events.

Free events will be announced separately through CampusMoWe websites. Using of our weekly CampusMoWe services (etc. group fitness and instructed sport games) will require MoWe Card membership. ​​​​​​​

  1. Download free CampusMoWe-App to your mobile phone from AppStore or Play Store and log in with your university username and password (Haka-code). If you are not able to download mobileapp, you can complete your registration in websites.

  2. Go to the CampusMoWe online shop.

  3. Add your MoWe Card to the shopping cart and continue to pay your shoppings. You can pay your MoWe Card with any Finnish online bank, credit cards or using MobilePay service.

  4. Before you start using CampusMoWe services, please read carefully the terms and conditions of our CampusMoWe policy (link: Terms and Conditions) and cooperation partners and businesses (link: Gym rules and regulations). You will find information of SAMK Pori campus gym from link: Gym SAMK Pori campus.
  5. Now you can access CampusMoWe services and products and can start to make your bookings. Let's MoWe!

Enrolment, queuing and attending

You can sign up for group fitness and ball games via the CampusMoWe app or the Calendar on the website. Enrolment also works as a court reservation for Badminton, Pickleball and Game On.

For classes in the PORI and RAUMA tabs, you need a MoWe Card. Events on the EVENTS tab are free of charge, but require loggin in.

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Terms and conditions

Before you start using CampusMoWe services, please read the terms and conditions carefully.

​​​​​​​​​​​Terms and conditions will apply once you purchase CampusMoWe product or service from the online shop or take part in free activities such as those organised by well-being tutorials.

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Rules and regulations of CampusMoWe sport facilities and gyms

Please read carefully all the rules and regulations provided by CampusMoWe gyms and sport facilities and follow these codes when using our services and products.

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