With our mobile app, you can conveniently manage registration, cancellations and gym door opening (Pori).

You can also always find the latest news (C-MoWe).

Tips and guidelines for using our services

To ensure that your participation and use of the services is smooth and serves you best, please read the guidelines below.

Everyday tips are marked with the word "tip". The red exclamation marks (!!) indicates things we would like you to especially pay attention to (e.g. cancellations, badminton shifts, gym).

MoWe Card

  • Download the CampusMoWe mobile app and log in.
  • Purchase your chosen Card in the online shop. The rights are activated immediately.
  • If necessary, close and reopen the app, where you will see the expiry date of your card on the MoWe Card tab and the button to Open the gym door will appear in the box.

Enrolment and cancellation

  • Enrolment opens 2 days before the start of the class.
  • For each class, you must enrol via the app.
  • Please cancel at least 3 hours before the start of the class if you are unable to attend.
    • !! During last autumn, several fully booked classes had empty spots due to last minute cancellations. Please sign up for a class when you know you will be attending. Cancel in time.
    • TIP: If a class has appeared to be full, you should check for available places very close to the start of the class. As a general rule, there is ALWAYS room in the class.
  • Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of the class to ensure that you have time to collect the necessary equipment.
    • TIP: By arriving early, the instructor will have time to guide you with equipment etc.
    • !! Once the class has started, you can no longer come to class.
  • Comprehensive instructions for registration (link):

Badminton and Pickleball shifts

  • Vuoro varataan appista ilmoittautumalla ko. vuorolle.
  • Voit varata YHDEN (1) vuoron/per päivä, koska vuorojen määrä on rajallinen ja haluamme mahdollistaa pelaamisen mahdollisimman monelle jäsenelle.
    • VINKKI: Sulkapallo- ja pickleball vuoroilla pelikaverin ei tarvitse olla jäsen. Varaaja on vastuussa vuorosta.
  • Pelivälineet kuuluvat vuoroon ja välineet löytyvät Porissa salin mustan verhon takaa ja Raumalla salin varastosta.
    • !! Palauta välineet käytön jälkeen siististi ohjekuvien mukaan. Syksyn aikana välineitä on rikkoutunut suuri määrä ja haluamme jatkossakin tarjota vuoroille pelivälineet.
    • !! Porissa mailat tulee laittaa niille varattuihin mailapusseihin.
  • Porissa kenttä A on nelinpelikenttä ja B kentät ovat kaksinpelikenttiä.
    • !! Pelivälineitä ei tule siirtää kenttien välillä, jotta tarvittava määrä välineitä on kentillä käytössä.
  • VINKKI: Vuorojen toimintaohjeet löytyvät appista jokaisen pelivuoron kohdalta.

Pori Campus Gym

  • Every user of the gym must have a purchased access.
  • Opening hours: Mon-Fri 06.00-21.00, Sat 06.00-18.00, Sun closed..
    • TIP: Opening hours and number of users are displayed in the app under the Gym tab every day.
    • !! You must leave the gym by closing time, i.e. 21.00 on weekdays and 18.00 on Saturdays.
  • Gym bookings are visible in the app. Please check your reservations before you go to the gym.
    • !! Staff shifts on Tuesdays from 16.00 to 17.00 and Thursdays from 16.00 to 17.15. Students do not have access during these times.
  • Please report broken equipment immediately to CampusMoWe via email or directly using the QR codes on the gym.
  • After use, please return the equipment to its place of use. Weights placed on the squat racks and other bars will also be removed from the bars after use.
    • TIP: The gym remains a comfortable place for everyone to work out when the equipment is in place.
    • TIP: We have received many customer feedback about this directly from you ;) So keep the gym tidy!

For all matters relating to CampusMoWe, please contact: info@campusmowe.fi