Well-being Week 18.11.- 22.11.

The annual Wellbeing Week is here again!

Wellbeing Week offers a variety of activities in Pori, Rauma, Kankaanpää, and online.

Check out the full week's program and join in!

During Student Wellbeing Week, SAMK will organize, with our partners, many different activities on the Rauma and Pori campuses to support well-being and bring relaxation and cheer to the darkness of November. This year, the theme of the week is also about paying attention to others and complimenting each other: there will be a compliment wall on the Pori, Rauma and Kankaanpää campuses, where you can leave compliments for your fellow students, teachers or even yourself.

How to participate and get an overall patch?

Pick up your passport from Sammakko office or at the events held at the beginning of the well-being week in Pori and Rauma. You’ll receive the patch when you return the completed passport to Sammakko's office. Below you can see the Well-being Week programs you can take part in to get stamps to your passport.

Online students fill out the passport in a Forms format. Link to the online students´participation passport.​​​​​​​

The main events of Well-being Week are the Well-being Markets where you can also collect stamps for participation.
Rauma: Monday, November 18 at 11am to 1pm (Kanali kampus lobby)
Pori: Tuesday, November 19at 11am to 1pm (Agora hall)