CampusMoWe offers you free access to Yogobe online yoga services
By logging in with your HAKA-code, you will be as user to CampusMoWe sites and you are entitled to Yogobe access-code that allows you free registration to Yogobe-sites. Ask for your own Yogobe-code by sending email to info@campusmowe.fi.
More information of Yogobe can be found here: (link) Yogobe.
Visit Yogobe websites: (link) Yogobe
Floorball for students is in Wednesdays at 18:30-20:00 in Sataedu. Bring your own equipment with you.
There is a gym in Kankaanpää Liikuntakeskus available for students with 1€/workout and for staff with 2€/workout. You need to purchace an access card to gym from the city of Kankaanpää. You do not need MoWe Card for that gym. Further information: (link) Liikuntakeskus Kankaanpää
As an student or staff member in SAMK you are able to use gym at SAMK campus Pori. For that reason, you need to purchase MoWe Card. CampusMoWe mobileapp works as a key to gym. Further information about SAMK campus Pori gym: (link) SAMK campus Pori gym
Borrow sport equipment from SAMK campus libraries for free!
From SAMK campus libraries at Pori, Rauma and Kankaanpää you can borrow sport equipment for free with your valid library card (no MoWe Card needed for this)!
The time-frame for loans are in maximum one week. Equipment need to be picked up and returned always during the library openin hours. Equipment needs always be returned before the deadline to the same library where they were picked up.
You may also borrow equipment only for few hours for example balance boards are excellent choise to use during your study or work day to improve your ergonomy.
In case of loosing or breaking the equipment, the borrower is in responsible to replace equipment either financily or buying a new one.
SAMK campus, Kankaanpää:
- Balance disc
- Yoga mat x5
- Football
- Badminton racket x2, shuttlecock x2
- Minibad
- Kettlebell 4, 6 and 8 kg
Yoga at Campus
Comin soon..!
In the MoWe Calendar you will find up-to-date information on classes, shifts and events. You can enroll via the Calendar.
See all Pori CampusMoWe services from CampusMoWe calendar and with MoWe Card you will get unlimited access to Pori services!
See all Rauma CampusMoWe services from CampusMoWe calendar and
and with MoWe Card you will get unlimited access to Rauma CampusMoWe services!