Coppa West 2024 - Football Tournament
Join the Coppa West tournament organised by three universities of applied sciences, Centria, SAMK and SeAMK. The event will feature both amateur and competitive teams.
- Competitive teams - Who will win the Coppa West title?
- Amateur matches - These matches make up for a lack of skill with good spirit and enthusiasm, so entertainment is guaranteed
- Afterparty - Enjoy music and good company
Coppa West offers something for everyone, whether you're a football enthusiast or just coming for a fun day out!
10.30 Lunch at the Talonpojankatu campus restaurant
11.30 Departure to Kipparihalli
12.30-16.30 Games, snacks, drinks and showers
17.30-19.00 Afterparty at West Coast Billiards
There will be bus transportation for students from Pori to Kokkola and back. It will leave from Pori at 4pm on Friday 8.11 and will be back at 11pm on 9.11.
All expenses including transportation, accommodation and food will be covered by SAMK.
Join SAMK team?