Changes in Calendar starting 27.2.

We have made some changes to the Calendar starting 27.2. in both Pori and Rauma.

You can always see the up-to-date information in the app Calendar when you enroll.

Changes in Pori

Tuesday's MoWe Dance will be 45 min instead of the previous 30 min.

MoWe Step will be removed from Tuesday's selection and the Core class will become 45 min long. Core includes exercises to strengthen the muscles of the mid and lower body.

As the Agorahall is reserved for education on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the Badminton and Pickleball shifts start at 18.30 on Tuesdays.

Wednesday's open badminton shift will change to court reservations from 16.15-17.15 and Pickleball will also be available from 16.15-18.15.

Thursday's salibandy starts at 18.30 (previously 18.00).

Changes in Rauma

Wednesday has been added at 16.30 Kettlebell training 45' and Stretching & Mobility starts at 17.20.

Due to low attendance, Monday' salibandy and open badminton shift will be removed from the Calendar. MoWe Pump will now also be on a break for the time being.