Pori campus summer opening hours and new practices

Please read the new practices carefully so the gym serves you in the best possible way. Nre practices are valkid until further notice.

The gym is open during summer 13.6.-7.8.2022 from Monday to Saturday at 06.00 am- 6.00 pm.

Number of gym users - log yourself to the gym every time!

We have a new feature in mobileapplication: User counter.

You can check the amount of gym users online. Every user needs to log them in, so the counter stays up to date. Then it is easy to check if the gym is crowded or not.

Press "Open SAMK gym door" -button every time you go to the gym, the counter uses door opening data for counting.

Only reserved shifts are shown in application

There is no enrollment to the gym anymore. Only reserved times, when the gym is not available, are shown in the app's Gym -tab. If the gym is reserved, you are not allowed to use the gym. All other times, gym is available.

Staff member gym hours are on Tuesdays and Thursdays 4pm-5.30 pm. Gym is not available for students.

CampusMoWe keeps the application updated. Quick changes are possible so check the availability berfore your workout. CampusMoWe reserves all rights for changes.

The gym opening hours

You can find opening hours also from the app's Gym tab.

All the info you need is easy to find!

Please note that if you need an access code to campus entrance doors, you can find it also from the app (C-MoWe tab).