12.02.2025 15:13
Exercise during Winter break!
Next week there is the Winter break 17.-22.2.2025, which is why CampusMoWe have modified the calendar, i.e. only some classes will be held.
Here you will find the Winter break schedule.
The Pori campus gym will be open during normal opening hours.
Monday 17.2.
- 4.30pm Contemporary Dance 45'
- 5.30pm Gym Workout
- 7pm Futsal
- 7.10pm Bodybalance (Porihalli)
Tuesday 18.2.
- 4.30pm DanceFit 45'
- 6.15pm Yoga 50'
- 7.30pm Basketball
Wednesday 19.2.
- 5.55pm BodyCombat (Porihalli)
Thursday 20.2.
- 4.15pm Staff circuit
- 4.30pm Volleyball
Lauantai 22.2.
- 11am Volleyball
Badminton & Pickleball shifts can be booked normally throughout the week. Unfortunately, badminton rackets are not available on behalf of CampusMoWe at this time due to so many breakages during shifts.
Wednesday 19.2.
- 4.45pm Kettlebell 45'
- 5.45 Body Maintenance
- 4.30-6.30pm Merimäki Gym open
- 6.30-8.30pm Badminton (2shifts)