It is the responsibility of everyone to follow hygiene guilines.

Hygiene instructions: What needs to be taken into consideration when joining the classes?

CampusMoWe wants to ensure safe environment for clients and instructors to move! Read instructions carefully before joining the classes.

CampusMoWe follows instructions of SAMK. In addition there are detailed information for movement and wellbeing services below.

Before joining the class:

  1. Join the services only when you are healthy!
  2. Remember to make booking in MoWe Calendar to class you wish to join.
  3. Remember proper technique to cough. Wash hands always after you have coughed or neezed. Watch the video instructions below.
  4. If you own PE- or yogamat it is recommended to take own mat to the class. If you don't have own mat, take a towel with you (you can place towel over the mat).

When coming to the class:

  1. Wash hands before you come to the sportshall. Remember proper technique to wash hands. Watch video instructions below.
  2. Use disinfection when needed.
  3. You should wear a face mask while moving on hallways, lockers and storage. You can remove a mask when starting the class.
  4. Keep at minimum 2 meters safety distance to other clients and instructor.
  5. When there are classes where different kind of equipment are needed, changing equipment between clients are avoided.
  6. Used equipment and mats will be disinfected by clients before and after the class. At gym, equipment will be disinfected always when user of the equipment changes. Instructor of the class will give further information and instructions. Instructor will disinfects door handles before and after the class.

Inform instructor when disinfections are about run out. Instructor can remind about safety distances, hygiene and coughing and sneezing etiquette if needed.
Usage of the masks, visor and/or protective gloves are allowed but not required. Remember proper techniques and etiquette when using mask, visor and/or glowes.

CampusMoWe classes can be stopped at a short notice, if situation calls for quick actios. In that case, some of the services will be replaced with digital services (streaming & videos).