Your opinion is important to us. Please, reply to the survey at latest on 16.12.2022.

CampusMoWe customer survey autumn 2021

Choose from below, which survey you would like to answer. Survey opens by clicking the box.

You can answer both or just another survey. If you answer both, it is recommend to open both surveys at once.

Answering takes approx. 3 minutes. Please answer at latest on Thu 16.12.

If you want to take part to the lottery where you can win a MoWe Card for the spring semester, leave your name and email to the last box. (Survey is anonymous, that's why the contact info for the lottery needs to be written to the separate box.)

You need to be a student or staff member in SAMK, Diak, OKL or UCPORI to use our services if you win.

Customer survey