Renew your Gym card

Autumn semester MoWe Card Gym is valid until 31.1.2020. Purchase a new MoWe Card gym from online shop and it is valid until 31.8.2020.

MoWe Card gym is available only for SAMK students and staff. This MoWe card concerns only the Gym at SAMK Pori campus.

By purchasing the CampusMoWe membership, you accept to follow the rules and regulations of the SAMK gym (link): Gym rules.

Every time you use the gym, press Unlock SAMK gym door -button. We follow the occupation rate of the gym. That's why it's important to press that button every time.

Next service of all the gym equipment is during February. Exercise bike will be changed to new one. Training mats will be washed next week.

Remember to return all equipment on their own places after your workout

If you use equipment from the store (kettle bells, rubber bands...), make sure you will return them back to store. We all are in responsible of keeping the gym clean and safe. When equipment are returned to their own places you can always find them when you need them!

Group fitness and sport games

If you want to join our other services, you can purchase MoWe Card Pori or Rauma. That Card includes also an access to the SAMK Pori campus gym.