Lentopalloturnaus tekee kauan toivotun paluun!

CampusMoWe volleyball tournament 2.4.2025

The tournament is open to university students and staff from the Satakunta region. Register your team now!


Location: the event will be held at SAMK Pori campus in Agora Hall.

Aika: 2.4. klo 12-15

Type: Single Playoff series (Single elimination)

Games: We will play 2x25 point rounds. In the event of a tie, the team with the most points wins. In case of a tie, a two-point difference is called "sudden death".6 vs 6 pelit, 243 cm verkkokorkeus

Extra: At 3pm, the long-awaited Students VS Staff match will take place, where the winning team will be able to participate and test the SAMK Staff team's mettle.

Sign up to participate

The first 8 teams will be entered into the tournament, so be quick and sign up.

You will need a min. 6 players, unless you want to play as an underdog ;)

Registration: info@campusmowe.fi

Want to join the SAMK Staff team? Contact us!