WANTED: Instructors to Rauma

CampusMoWe is looking new group fitness and ball games instructors for spring season especially to Rauma! Our next season begins on Monday 13.1.20. and we want to enlarge our services in Rauma.

Fill in an application form below:

We need group fitness instructors for strength training, yoga and stretching.

We are searching for instructors to sport games. An also instructors to keep different sport trials in Rauma.

We are also open for new suggestions, so if you have something else us to offer, let us know!

All experiences or education of instructing is beneficial, but if you don’t have any, our professional team will help you get started!

CampusMoWe team is looking for new instructors to our cheerful team, so if you got interested, send us your application to email to addressinfo@campusmowe.fi or fill in an application form below.