See all Pori CampusMoWe services from CampusMoWe calendar and with MoWe Card you will get unlimited access to Pori services!
Download CampusMoWe mobile Application (link: Download app). It's easy to do bookings to our services via application. You can also use our website for bookings. Log in with your university username and password (Haka-code).
All group fitness classes and sport games are mostly held in SAMK Agorahall. You can do bookings through MoWe Calendar.
MoWe Card includes an access to Yogobe-online yoga services for free (value 220€). With Yogobe your workout sessions are not limited on time or place!
Send us email to info@campusmowe.fi to get a code.
Borrow sport equipment from SAMK campus libraries for free!
From SAMK campus libraries at Pori, Rauma and Kankaanpää you can borrow sport equipment for free with your valid library card (no MoWe Card needed for this)!
The time-frame for loans are in maximum one week. Equipment need to be picked up and returned always during the library openin hours. Equipment needs always be returned before the deadline to the same library where they were picked up.
You may also borrow equipment only for few hours for example balance boards are excellent choise to use during your study or work day to improve your ergonomy.
In case of loosing or breaking the equipment, the borrower is in responsible to replace equipment either financily or buying a new one.
SAMK campus library, Pori
- Balance disc 2 (coming soon)
- Yoga mat 3 (coming soon)
- Kettle bell 4, 6 ja 8 kg (coming soon)
- Miniband –theraband medium (coming soon)
- Threaband 2 light, 2 medium, 2 hard (coming soon)
- Frisbeegolf –bag with set of discs 2 (coming soon)
- Badminton rackets 2 + balls (coming soon)
- Soccer ball (coming soon)
- Mölkky-game (coming soon)
City of Pori and Satakirjastot also borrow different equipment for differen indoor and outdoor sports. More information can be found from here (link) City of Pori and here (link) Satakirjasto.
See all Rauma CampusMoWe services from CampusMoWe calendar and
and with MoWe Card you will get unlimited access to Rauma CampusMoWe services!