
Continue moving with us!

CampusMoWe Trial period has ended. It was quite busy, thanks to you!

Continue movin with us and purchase a MoWe Card from the online shop or start a new hobby by joining a course.

All products can be found from the online shop!

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Bouldering trial Tuesday 24.9.2024

Welcome to try Boulder climbing. Free trial on Tue 24.9. at 16.30-17.30
Registration via the Calendar. Log in to the mobile app or website, select an event and register.

The first 15 people will be accepted.

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Finnish baseball trials on September

The September Finnish baseball Trials on three consecutive Mondays:
9.9., 16.9. and 23.9.2024 at 16.30-17.30.

Place: Arava Field, Tavaratie 3, 28130 Pori.

The baseball shifts are open and free of charge, so no MoWe Card is required.

Enrol via the mobile app under the Events tab.

Welcome to play!

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