Twerk test classes

On Monday 7.2. and 14.2. at 16.30 in Agorahall. You do not need any earlier experience of Twerking or dancing. Welcome to have fun and try a new event!

Enroll with a MoWe Card or with using links below. Remeber to cancel if you are not able to join.

Twerk basics 8x course begins on Mon 28.2.

If you enjoy Twerk or want to learn more, enroll to 8x course. You will learn e.g. an easy coreography.

Link for the courses: Courses spring 2022

07.02.2022 16:30 - 16:30

Tule tutustumaan twerkkaukseen!

Aiempaa kokemusta lajista tai tanssimisesta ei tarvita! Tule pitämään hauskaa ja oppimaan twerkin perusteita.


Welcome to test Twerk! Course begins on Mon 28.2. and this class is also a trial class for the course. You can join this class even though you don't join the course.

You do not need any earlier experience, come to have fun and learn twerking basics.

PoriKurssit / lajikokeilut

Enroll in

Event venue

Agora B
14.02.2022 16:30 - 17:30

Tule tutustumaan twerkkaukseen!

Twerk kurssi alkaa ma 28.2. ja tämä tunti toimii hyvin kurssin tutustumistuntina. Tunnille osallistuminen ei velvoita osallistumaan kurssille. 

Aiempaa kokemusta lajista tai tanssimisesta ei tarvita! Tule pitämään hauskaa ja oppimaan twerkin perusteita.


Welcome to test Twerk! Course begins on Mon 28.2. and this class is also a trial class for the course. You can join this class even though you don't join the course.

You do not need any earlier experience, come to have fun and learn twerking basics.

PoriKurssit / lajikokeilut

Enroll in

Event venue

Agora B