Football shift in Karhuhalli

As a new feature in spring, CampusMoWe members will have the opportunity to participate in the public shift at the Karhuhalli Football field on Wednesdays at free of charge.

Please note these things about the shift:

  1. Sign up as usual via the CampusMoWe calendar. By registering for the event, you agree to submit your personal data (first and last name) to the customer portal of the City of Pori, so that your registration can be verified at the Karhuhall cash desk.
  2. Register at the Karhuhall cash desk by showing the expiry date of your MoWe Card in the CampusMoWe application and your name in your profile information.
  3. There will be plenty of other movers and footballers on the general shift. There is no field reservation, so you can join other people's games.
  4. However, there will be a CampusMoWe instructor on the football shift. You will recognise the instructor by his CampusMoWe shirt and this is the easiest way to join other students' games.

Important for new participants: Remember to register for your shift at least 4h before class to make sure your details are transferred to the portal. If your name does not exist in the portal before you register at the Karhuhalli cashier, you have to pay the student entrance fee of 3,4€ at the cashier.