16.09.2024 09:12
Continue moving with us!
CampusMoWe Trial period has ended. It was quite busy, thanks to you!
Continue movin with us and purchase a MoWe Card from the online shop or start a new hobby by joining a course.
All products can be found from the online shop!
You can find a large variety of sport games from our Calendar! You can play in a group or book a badminton or Pickleball court.
CampusMoWe shifts are special as you always have equipment offered by CampusMoWe. You only need to show up.
We have weekly a muscle strenghtening and endurance classes and also stretching to recover. You get a limitless access to classes with a MoWe Card. Have you checked out the Classes together with Porihalli?
By joining a course you can find a new hobby! Enrollment is available also without a MoWe Card. On September 18th the popular gym start course will start and in October a badminton beginners course and a yoga course are coming up. More information coming soon.
There is a gym on Pori campus. Gym is included in the MoWe Card. Members will also get a Gym benefit to Porihalli.
If you are a CampusMoWe member in Rauma, you will get a gym benefit to Kuntosumppu and Gymppikunto. Show your membership at the reception and you'll get the discount.
Yogobe online yoga is included to the MoWe Card Pori. Codes are available next week!