SAMMAKKO's online tutoring
The SAMMAKKO student union is responsible for tutoring in SAMK. Student tutors act as peer tutors for students at the beginning and during their studies. Tutors can be asked anything about their studies and student life!
Tutors give a lot, but you also get a lot from tutoring! SAMMAKKO recruits and trains SAMK’s tutors annually in January-April. Being a tutor gives valuable experiences in peer mentoring the group and people as well as making new friends even around the world! Tutoring also earns credits.
On this page you will find information about eTutoring!
SAMMAKKO trains eTutors who help students to navigate the jungle of SAMK's programs and systems. You can ask eTutors to help with Tuudo, Moodle and e-mail, among other things.
eTutoring is often of particular benefit to multiform students, online students, path students, and international students. If necessary, eTutors can also guide older students. For specific sectoral questions related to your studies, you should contact a tutor or teacher tutor in your field.
If you wish, eTutors can also organize grouping evenings at Teams, organize remote Monthly Mojo's on SAMMAKKO's Discord.
There is a short training for eTutors before starting their eTutoring.
SAMMAKKO's eTutoring is meant for all SAMK students. However, there is often the greatest need for eTutoring with
- multiform learning students
- online students
- international students
- master's degree students
- path students
SAMMAKKO's eTutors can help for example with issues related to the SAMK's online environment.
Time reservation system will open during this spring. When booking, please tell us briefly what you expect from the tutoring (general study problems, problems with school systems, RPL [Recognition of Prior Learning], etc.) The online tutoring period lasts one hour and the meeting is at Teams.
Currently eTutoring is part of peer tutoring. If you are interested in becoming a eTutor, you can apply to become a peer tutor in the next search, in which case you can eTutor in addition to peer tutoring. Follow SAMMAKKO's website and social media so you know when tutor searches are in progress.
Tutors get to know new people while working with students, SAMMAKKO and SAMK staff. Tutoring gives you credits as well as experience in mentoring and positions of trust. As an eTutor you specialize in organizing and facilitating remote meetings and learn to use various programs and platforms, which is definitely useful in working life.
eTutor is ready to help another student in problem areas and, if necessary, refer student to someone who knows better. Some students may need help with SAMK's e-services, so that is something you should know how to use. However, miracles are not required, and ordinary user skills are sufficient.
Was there anything left to bother with? Would you like to know more about online tutoring? Send us a message! Contact information can be found on SAMMAKKO's website.