
Stair Days 4.-10.11.2024

Did you know that stair-walking is even equivalent to jogging? Choosing to take the stairs is a small act that has a big impact on your health!

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Active breaks on weekdays at 10 starting from Mon 4.11.

Want to have a nice start for your mornings? Move your body, get the day going well and direct your thoughts elsewhere for a moment?

Take a short Active break and join in to break exercises instructed by physiotherapy students every weekday morning at 10:00-10:10.

You can join via CampusMoWe HILL or @campusmowe Instagram Live. You can join also in Pori campus lobby.

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Pori: Yoga course starting on 6.11.

Timing: on Wednesdays 6.11.- 27.11. (4 times), at 4.30-5.30pm.

Course fee 20€ (MoWe Card is not required).

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